ExecuThrive Launches Leadership Workshop for the Future of Wellbeing

ExecuThrive is excited to share their Leadership Workshop for the Future of Wellbeing offering. This one-day workshop trains leaders to use their influence to shape the health and wellbeing of their company, as well as sharpen their leadership skills to create a mentally healthy and productive workforce. ExecuThrive will curate and design the seminar tailored […]
Private Equity Firms Need a New Talent Acquisition Strategy

From ExecuThrive CEO, Sara Martin Over the past year, developing a thoughtful talent management strategy for portfolio companies in private equity has gained significant attention—and for good reason: effective leadership in these companies can impact market valuation by 30% and financial performance by 15% (more on this in this article published by Stanton Chase). In […]
What Executives Should Know about Concierge Medicine

From ExecuThrive CEO, Sara Martin Recently, I saw a segment on CNBC with Dr. Jordan Shlain, Founder and Chairman of Private Medical. Private Medical aims to provide high net worth individuals and their families with hyper-personalized and data-drivenconcierge medicine, likening their model to family investment offices, only here, the investment is in longevity and health. While […]
ExecuThrive Launches New Burnout Risk Assessment

Rising stress levels are considered the “health epidemic of the 21st century” by the World Health Organization (WHO). As executives navigate turbulent markets, the risk of burnout and turnover increases with those rising stress levels. Moreover, replacing C-level executive positions can cost up to 213% of their annual salary. The impact of burnout on leadership […]
The power of becoming your vision for a healthy company

From ExecuThrive CEO, Sara Martin As we navigate the evolving landscape of hybrid, in-person, and virtual work, leadership’s role in setting the tone for company culture and expectations is more crucial than ever. Leaders are balancing company performance with corporate social responsibility, talent retention and employee well-being. A recent New York Times article profiled Starbucks’ […]
Reactions to Recent Employee Well-being Research from ExecuThrive CEO, Sara Martin

Research from the Human Flourishing Program and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published earlier this year found that emotional health and social connectedness were the strongest well-being predictors of work distraction and job satisfaction. This study builds on existing research that links higher emotional health to better work performance and was one of […]
ExecuThrive Member Spotlight on Sunny White, Xavier Creative

Our members are some of the most innovative leaders, owners, and founders running companies today. This series shines a spotlight on their unique approaches to leadership and well-being. Q: What, from your perspective, are the most pressing challenges facing executives today in terms of well-being? Sunny: Busy executives can easily get caught up in work […]
Takeaways from the July 2024 CrowdStrike outage from ExecuThrive CEO, Sara Martin

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been giving thought to the CrowdStrike outage. It was unparalleled for many reasons—namely the depth of disruption impacting a wide breadth of industries. But business leaders have been managing through one volatile moment after another for years now. Why are some leaders better equipped to maintain innovation […]
Takeaways from the June 2024 HRE Strategy Summit from CEO Sara Martin

Just a few weeks ago, I was invited to deliver the closing keynote at the Human Resources Executive Strategy Summit. The conference brought together a hand-selected group of top HR leaders committed to innovation and envisioning the future of work. What was not a surprise was the robust conversation about how AI is shaping the […]
Enhancing Executive Health for Organizational Prosperity

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the well-being of executives often takes a back seat. However, neglecting their health can have far-reaching consequences not only for the executives themselves but also for their organizations. An article published by the Academy of Management, Executive health: Building strength, managing risks, addresses strength factors that enhance executive health and […]